CFS Recovery

About the Founder

Miguel Bautista

Miguel Bautista, the visionary behind the CFS Recovery Program, transformed his life from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) despair to health restoration through innovative neuroplasticity techniques. Once a high achiever, Miguel’s life was upended by CFS at 22, leaving him bedridden and hopeless after numerous failed treatments.

The turning point came when he realized that the solution lay within his own brain. By developing brain exercises to rewire his neuropathways, he achieved profound recovery. This journey led to the creation of CFS Recovery, a comprehensive coaching and communal approach to healing that has since helped thousands regain their health.

Miguel’s dedication to neuroplastic healing has established him as a leading authority in the mind body syndrome arena. His story underscores the power of deliberate brain rewiring and the resilience of the human spirit. As Miguel says, “You are just one mindshift away from living a life with Thriving health.”


Miguel Bautista

Miguel Bautista, the visionary behind the groundbreaking CFS Recovery Program

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we've achieved an incredible milestone of 5 million views! Your interest in our content drives us to continually strive for excellence, and we're thrilled to see our message resonating with such a wide audience.

50+ In-Depth Documented Recovery Stories

Thanks to your unwavering support and engagement.

30,000+ Followers.

A big shoutout to each and every one of you who has joined our community. Your decision to subscribe means the world to us, and we’re committed to providing you with valuable content and experiences.

2+ Million Views on Youtube

we’ve achieved an incredible milestone of 5 million views! Your interest in our content drives us to continually strive for excellence, and we’re thrilled to see our message resonating with such a wide audience.

50+ In-Depth Documented Recovery . Stories

50+ In-Depth Documented Recovery Stories

Start your recovery today.

Have you experienced any of these symptoms that remain unexplained or unresolved by medical professionals?